With processes that are rooted in research, you can be confident in your treatment and progress.

Client Services

What are Becoming Safely Embodied® Skills?

Deirdre Fay organized the skills needed by trauma survivors to help calm the nervous system, relax the body, sort the many aspects of the inner world and aid your mind to go where you want it to go.  She ran inpatient and outpatient groups with feedback that clients who took the group got better faster.

As a certified practitioner, I’m happy to help you develop these skills. 

If you would like to join a waitlist or desire more info about BSE groups,
complete the form below. I will contact you with information on registering for the next round of BSE groups.

What is the Rhythm of Regulation?

Polyvagal Theory in Therapy

Polyvagal theory is a roadmap to work with the autonomic nervous system and build regulation and resiliency.  A Polyvagal lens helps us to come into friendship with our bodies by appreciating how they work on our behalf. 

Being in a survival state means facing a moment which is too much of a neural challenge.  ‘Too much’ varies for each person…what is too much for me may be the right amount of activation for you as neural challenge is shaped by our histories and everyday realities. 

Through Polyvagal theory we learn to befriend our nervous systems.  We can do this by tuning into what happens right before we go into a survival state, identifying our ventral vagal anchors, and learning what’s effective in getting back to a state of restoration, learning and engagement. 

If you think about an airplane engine, you want it to be well attended to and maintained. In flight, it encounters a lot of forces… overcoming gravity as well as the accompanying wind, atmospheric and temperature changes.  To get you safely from Point A to Point B, the engine is maintained by the airline industry to operate reliably in the midst of environmental challenges.  

Our engines are our bodies and nervous system but probably not as well maintained as airline engines.   Helping the nervous system recoup after chronic stress from bullying, emotional/physical abuse and discrimination doesn’t happen reliably in our families and communities.  Many people come into therapy running on fumes, their nervous system oscillating between survival responses of fight, flight, withdraw, freeze, collapse.  Polyvagal theory helps us understand the process by which our bodies cycle through stages of mobilization, disconnection and engagement.  When you learn how your body adapts to help you survive, with practice you can befriend it and recruit it as an ally in your recovery.

EMDR Therapy

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

EMDR Therapy is an eight-phase trauma processing therapy designed to resolve unprocessed traumatic memories in the brain. 

Our brains have a natural way of recovering from traumatic memories and events. This process involves communication between various brain regions including the amygdala (the alarm signal for stressful events), the hippocampus (which assists with learning, including memories about safety and danger), and the prefrontal cortex (which analyzes and mediates behavior and emotion). While many times traumatic experiences can be managed and resolved spontaneously, stressors that overwhelm our body’s system may not be processed without help.

Stress responses are part of our natural fight, flight, or freeze instincts to survive. When distress from a disturbing event remains, the upsetting images, thoughts, and emotions may present as symptoms including avoiding reminders of the event, flashbacks, emotional outbursts or triggering.    Unprocessed trauma can contribute to anxiety, depression or acting out of old but strong survival patterns such as being “frozen in time.”

EMDR therapy helps the brain process disturbing memories, allowing the body’s normal healing to resume. The experience is still remembered, but the survival responses of fight, flight, or freeze attached to the original event are resolved.

An extensive variety of research studies support EMDR Therapy as an empirically validated treatment of trauma.  In addition, national and international organizations such as the American Psychiatric Association, the World Health Organization, the International Society for the Study of Traumatic Stress and the Department of Veteran’s Affairs have recognized EMDR as an effective treatment for trauma. 

Getting Started

After reviewing this page, fill out the contact form below or schedule a 20 -minute free consultation.

I’ll contact you to discuss needs and we’ll decide whether I’m a good fit for you.

If so, we’ll schedule your first appointment which is always 90 minutes. This appointment allows us time for you to talk about your situation, and for me to conduct a thorough review as well as answer questions/concerns important to you.

You will arrive at your appointment at your scheduled time (either virtually or at my Ogden office).  I will greet you in the waiting room at the start of your session.  Near the end of the appointment, we will discuss next steps, which may include rescheduling with me and deciding frequency of sessions, or a referral, etc. You’ll pay for the session and be on your way.


Join The Waitlist

To receive updates from Donna regarding BSE groups enter your contact information below.

I  look forward to your participation and presence.